October 03, 2004

opening rant

Hello and welcome to the latest installment of unmitigated rambling. This has existed as a monthly column in a local, "underground" newspaper based in Salt Lake City, SLUG (Salt Lake Under Ground) It was then posted on-line in Geo Cities, but my attention waned. Now, thanks to extreme partisan politics, and downright evil underhandedness, on both sides, but especially so on the side of the extremely conservative right it lives again. Only this time, with broadband connection and newer technology, I might actually keep this up. Of course, if Kerry winds, my interest will probably wane again... On this blog I will be posting fairly regularly, and I do mean fairly, and I would guess the main focus will be politics, daily events and my struggles with my MA in linguistics.

So feel free to post away your thoughts and I look forward to hearing and reading....

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