October 07, 2004

the language and symbolism of fear, or how ed and joe changed the way we view cigarette ads...

Allright now, I do not consider myself to be partisan at all, in fact I do my best to listen to both sides of the story and come up with my own conclusions, however, it has not escaped me that the treat of terrorism has been near-constant since the events of 11, September 01. It is funny, and not funny ha-ha that this was not an issue, at least to the extent that it is now, within our social framework in the US prior to that infamous date in history. However, it certainly is now, isn't it? And the man and the administration under whose watch it was that those events occured is supposed to be the best able to handle any future threats? A coach takes his team to a losing season, he's fired. A CEO bankrupts his company, he's fired. A president and an entire administration ignore threat warnings, spend more time on vacation than any other person let alone president in the history of mankind, except for maybe an ex-friend of mine, Steve Haluska... But, I digress... so, back to the ever constant threat of terrorism, this piece dovetails nicely with the latest in American pop culture, that of the apparently growing cult of security moms Is it me, or does it seem decidedly Bernaysian to be releasing this kind of a report at oh, say, less than a month before the presidential elections? What would good ole' German nationalist, Go Joe Goebbels have to say, or advise? I mean, after all, he was just doing his patriotic duty, right? Right....

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