October 03, 2004

more conservative whining...

I have heard just about everything I thought I could hear from conservatives re: Bush getting absolutely hammered in the first debate, including, but not limited to: Kerry and his team knew the questions ahead of time (hence Bush's stunned, deer in the headlight look), this was, as one astute woman pointed out, the reason Bush was so flustered; because he actually HAD TO THINK up his answers, while Kerry, so quick and slick, was always at the ready. No, honey? That IS the way Bush thinks. It's painful to watch, I know, and this is why when he does read, he reads children's books... upside down...

But now, more proof that Kerry was cheating:

apparently Kerry not only brought something into the debates, but he actually PULLED IT FROM HIS POCKET AND USED IT! Why in the hell can't we get quality security in these things? What if it was marijuana? Crap. Better get Rove and Cheney in on it...

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